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Northwest Chinese Food

4.5 (422)$$Chinese restaurant

7313 Baltimore Ave suite E, College Park, MD 20740

Northwest Chinese Food

7313 Baltimore Ave suite E, College Park, MD 20740
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Fantuan Delivery
Promotions 优惠细则
Everything 10% OFF (For Pickup) 全场九折 (仅自提)
Order on Fantuan Delivery,get total 10% OFF (for pickup),the discount applies automatically after checking out 通过饭团外卖下单,享九折优惠 (仅自提),该优惠下单时为您自动使用
Rou Jia Mo 肉夹馍
Lanzhou Combination Mo 兰州三合一土豆片夹馍
Cumin Lamb Mo 孜然羊肉夹馍
Fried Egg Mo 兰州香辣蛋夹馍
Pork Mo 传统腊汁猪肉夹馍
Braised Pork Mushroom Mo 香菇肉燥夹馍
Lanzhou Potato Mo 兰州土豆片夹馍
Spicy Chicken Mo 香辣孜然鸡肉夹馍
Spicy Beef Mo 香焖牛肉夹馍
Braised Pork With Homemade Kimchi Mo 辣白菜腊汁肉夹馍
Zhazha Pork Mo 渣渣肉夹馍
Small Plates 特色小吃
Sour Soup Dumpling 酸汤饺子
Dan Dan Noodle 担担面
Dumpling With Spicy Sesame Peanut Sauce 红油芝麻酱饺子
Crispy Pan-Fried Dumpling 冰花锅贴
Spicy Sour Potato Noodle 酸辣粉
Spicy Lamb & Potato Noodle Soup 羊肉粉丝汤
Hot Oil Mung Bean Noodle 油泼捞伴拉皮
Cold Appetizer 凉拌菜
Konjac Noodle Salad 凉拌魔芋丝
Shredded Potato Salad 红油土豆丝
Shanxi Aged Vinegar Peanut 西贝香醋花生
Village Style Vegetable Salad 农家大拌菜
Sesame Sauce Mung Bean Noodle 东北芝麻酱拉皮
Jellyfish In Shanxi Aged Vinegar 捞拌老醋蜇头
Five Spices Beef Salad 椒麻五香牛肉
House Vegetable Salad 北方拌花菜
Knife Cut Noodles & Rolled Noodles 刀削面/棍棍面
Northwest Vegetable Noodle Soup 大西北素哨子汤面
Hot Oil Seared Noodle 传统油泼刀削面
Sesame Sauce Rolled Noodle 芝麻酱拌棍棍面
Pan Seared Noodle With Egg 老式蛋煎刀削面
Hot Oil Seared Noodle With Minced Pork & Vegetables 传统油泼燥子面
Three Toppings Combination Noodle 陕西老三样拌面
Black Vinegar Minced Pork Noodle 肉燥醋卤棍棍面
Spicy Beef Noodles Soup 香辣牛肉汤面
Eggplant & Potato & Pepper Noodle 素地三鲜焖面
Braised Pork Rib & Potato Noodle 香醋土豆排骨焖面
Mushroom & Minced Pork Noodle 葱油香菇肉燥面
Skewers 串烧
Spicy Sauce Fish Ball Skewer 香辣酱鱼丸串
Cumin Chicken Skewer 孜然鸡肉串
Cumin Lamb Skewer 孜然羊肉串
Cumin Fish Ball Skewer 孜然鱼豆腐串
Cumin Sausage Skewer 孜然香肠串
Spicy Sliced Potato Skewer 麻辣土豆片串
Bean Curd Skin Skewer 兰州豆皮串
Rice Noodle 圆粉
Rice Noodle & Veggies With Spicy Sesame Dressing 素什锦芝麻酱拌粉
Spicy Beef Rice Noodle Soup 麻辣牛肉汤圆粉
Hunan Style Hot Pepper Beef Noodle 香湘三椒牛肉粉
Sichuan Style Minced Pork & Pickle String Bean Rice Noodle 川味酸豆角肉燥拌粉
Tradition Yunnan Flavor Rice Noodle 云南小锅汤圆粉
Beverage 饮料
Honey Lemon Black Tea 蜂蜜柠檬红茶
Kumquat Lemon Tea 金桔柠檬茶
Rose Lychee Green Tea 荔枝玫瑰绿茶
Pineapple Cucumber 菠萝黄瓜
Watermelon Lime 西瓜青柠
Matcha Lemonade 抹茶柠檬
Sweet Soy Milk 甜豆浆
Sweet & Sour Plum Juice 古法酸梅汤
Rose Lychee 玫瑰荔枝
Matcha Latte Soy Milk 抹茶豆奶拿铁
Signature Fruit Tea 经典水果茶
Sprite 雪碧
Diet Coke 健怡可乐
Wanglaoji (Herbal Tea) 王老吉凉茶
Coconut Juice 椰树椰汁
Coke 可乐
Dessert 甜品
Sweet Sesame Rice Balls With Brown Sugar Soup 红糖水黑芝麻汤圆
Basque Burnt Cheese Cake (Matcha) 巴斯克烧伤芝士蛋糕(抹茶)
Basque Burnt Cheese Cake (Original) 巴斯克烧伤芝士蛋糕(原味)
Chinese Traditional Style Ice Jelly With Toppings 传统冰粉
Summer Special 夏季特惠
Sichuan Spicy Cold Noodle 凉拌椒麻棍棍面
Yanji Style Cold Noodle With Sliced Beef In Broth 延吉大冷面
Cold Rice Noodle With Spicy Fried Chicken 西贝辣鸡肉汤圆粉
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Food Pick-Up Instructions 取餐须知
Firstly,you need to come to the store with the pick up number and tell it is an order for Fantuan. Then you can check the pick up number through SMS, email and Google detail.
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