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Tai Chi Cuisine

3.3 (310)$$Chinese restaurant

5414 Walnut Ave a, Irvine, CA 92604

Tai Chi Cuisine

5414 Walnut Ave a, Irvine, CA 92604

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Handmade Buns 手工包子系列
Shrimp Pork Bun(6 Pcs) 天津三鲜包子(6个)
Sauce Pork Bun(6 Pcs) 秘制酱肉包子(6个)
Pork Bun(6 Pcs) 天津猪肉包子(6个)
Pork W/Veffie Bun(6 Pcs) 猪肉白菜包子(6个)
Oill & Pork Bun(6 Pcs) 猪肉茴香包子(6个)
Pork Chive Bun(6 Pcs) 猪肉韭菜包子(6个)
Pickle Veggie Pork Bun(6 Pcs) 猪肉酸菜包子(6个)
Beef And Onion Bun(6 Pcs) 牛肉大葱包子(6个)
Vegetarian Bun(4 Pcs) 香菇青江菜包子(4个)
Chive W/Egg Bun(4 Pcs) 韭菜鸡蛋包子(4个)
Red Bean Bun(4 Pcs) 豆沙包(4个)
Steamed Fiower-Shaped(4 Pcs) 小花卷(4个)
Dumplings/Wontons (12) 饺子/抄手系列 (12个)
House Special Dumplings 秘制钟水饺
Dumplings With Three Delicious Ingredients 三鲜饺子
Pork And Celery Dumplings 猪肉芹菜饺子
Pork And Leek Dumplings 猪肉韭菜饺子
Pork And Cabbage Dumplings 猪肉白菜饺子
Beef And Onion Dumplings 牛肉洋葱饺子
Wonton In Chicken Soup 鸡汤抄手8pcs
Wonton In Chilli Sauce 红油抄手8pcs
Special Breakfast 特色早点
Chinese Savory Crepes 煎饼果子
Grilled Cold Noodles 烤冷面
2 crusts, 2 eggs. 面皮2个 鸡蛋2个
Tofu Pudding 豆腐脑
Soy Bean Milk 自制豆浆(甜/不甜)
Deep Fried Dough Sticks 油条
Suger Deep-Fried Dough Sticks 糖果子
Tea Egg 茶叶蛋
Lamb Organ Soup 天津特色羊杂汤
Millet Congee 小米南瓜粥
Eight-Treasure Porridge 八宝粥
Scallion Pan Cake 葱油饼
Leek Cake 韭菜盒子
Beef Burrito 牛肉卷春饼
Pork Meat Pie 香河肉饼
Tomato Egg Soup 西红柿蛋花汤
Hot And Sour Soup 酸辣汤
Brewed Sticky Rice Ball Soup 酒酿珍珠汤圆
Sesame Balls 芝麻球
Rice 米饭
Sticky Rice Cake With Brown Sugar 红糖糍粑
Soy Bean Milk (Cold) 自制冰豆浆( 甜/不甜)
Noodles/Over Rice 面条/盖饭系列
Braised Pork Rice 卤肉饭
Braised Beef Rice 肥牛拌饭
Steamed Rice With Red-Cooked Pork 红烧肉盖饭
Shrimp Fried Rice 虾仁炒饭
Egg Fried Rice 鸡蛋炒饭
Braised Beef Noodle Soup 红汤牛肉面
Braised Beef Rice Noodle Soup 红汤牛肉米线
Diced Beef With Fresh Chilli Noodle 鲜椒牛肉面
Noodle With Eggplant And Shredded Pork 茄丁面
Noodle With Tomato And Egg Sauce 西红柿鸡蛋面
Pickled Cabbage Noodle Soup 老坛酸菜牛肉面
Fried Meat Sauce Noodles 炸酱面
Fried Noodle With Shrimp 虾仁炒面
Fried Noodle With Beef 牛肉炒面
Fried Rice Noodle With Beef 牛肉炒河粉
Chongqing Minced Meat Noodles 重庆肉燥面
Cold Dishes 凉菜类
Cucumber With Garlic Sauce 拍黄瓜
Shredded Potatoes 凉拌土豆丝
Sichuan Jelly 川北凉粉
Sliced Kelp With Sauce 蒜泥海带丝
Shredded Beans 凉拌干豆丝
Shredded Mixed Vegetables 凉拌三丝
Pig Ear With Chilli Sauce 红油猪耳
Braised Beef 凉拌牛腱子
Spicy Chicken 口水鸡
Braised Nose 酱猪头肉
Spinach Salad With Peanut 凉拌菠菜
Spicy Beef And Organs 夫妻肺片
Fried Peanuts(Small) 油炸花生米(小盒)
Classic Stir-Fry 麻姐春饼经典炒菜
Shredded Pork With Beijing Sauce+4Pcs 京酱肉丝+春饼4张
Spring Cakes(4 Pcs) 春饼(4张)
Fried Shredded Pototoes 炝炒土豆丝
Mixed Vegetables 炒合菜
Sauerkraut Fried Noodles 五花肉酸菜炒粉
Shredded Pork With Beijing Sauce 京酱肉丝
Casserole/Stir-Fry 特色砂锅/炒菜系列
Fish With Pickled Vegetable Soup 四川酸菜鱼砂锅
Winter Melon Spareribs Pot 排骨冬瓜砂锅
Beef Internal Organ Mix 筋头巴脑砂锅
Tomato And Casserole 番茄牛肉砂锅
Pickie Vegie Pot 五花肉酸菜砂锅
Sichuan Boiled Beef 水煮牛肉
Sichuan Boiled Fish 水煮鱼
Sauce Pork Kunckle 酱汁猪蹄(个)
Double Cooked Pork Slices 回锅肉
Fish Flavored Shredded Pork 鱼香肉丝
Stir-Fried Pork 小炒肉
Wok-Fried String Bean 干煸四季豆
Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁
Wok-Fried Spicy Pot Cauliflower 干锅有机花菜
Diced Chicken With Chili And Pepper 辣子鸡丁
Braised Pork 秘制红烧肉
Spicy Duck Blood 麻辣鸭血
Touf Fat Beef 豆花肥牛
Spicy Fat Sausage 辣炒肥肠
Slip Fat Sausage 溜肥肠
Spicy Sauce 麻辣拌
Boiled Blood Curd 毛血旺
Stir-Fried Beef 小炒牛肉
Shredded Pork With Green Pepper 青椒炒肉丝
Braised Pork With Preserved Mustard Greens 梅菜扣肉
Wok-Fried Spicy Pot Shrimp 干锅大虾
Sweet And Sour Pork Ribs 糖醋排骨
Lamb Spine Hot Pot 羊蝎子(3Lb)
Braised Pork Chunks 酱大骨
Rice 米饭
Vegetables 素菜系列
Dried Tofu With Hot Pepper 尖椒炒干豆腐
Shredded Cabbage 手撕包菜
Bok Choy With Garlic Sauce 蒜蓉青江菜
Sauteed Chives With Dried Tofu 韭菜炒豆干
Wok Fried Spicy Pot Cauliflower 干锅有机花菜
Tomato Scrambled Eggs 西红柿炒鸡蛋
Wok Fried String Bean 干煸四季豆
Mapo Tofu 麻婆豆腐
Fried Eggplant 鱼香茄子
Scrambled Egg With Garlic Chives 韭菜炒鸡蛋
Drinks 饮料
Wanglaoji 王老吉
Plum Juice 酸梅汁
Arctic Ocean 北冰洋
Iced Red Tea 冰红茶
Sprite 雪碧
Coke 可乐
Diet Coke 无糖可乐
Green Tea 绿茶
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