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90 Kabob

3.9 (104)$$Chinese restaurant

4897 Buford Hwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30341

90 Kabob

4897 Buford Hwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30341
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Fantuan Delivery
Promotions 优惠细则
Everything 30% OFF(For Delivery) 全场七折(仅外卖)
Order on Fantuan Delivery,get total 30% OFF, up To $5 (for delivery),the discount applies automatically after checking out 通过饭团外卖下单,享七折优惠,最高减$5(仅外卖),该优惠下单时为您自动使用
Seafood 海鲜
Oysters 2pec 生蚝
Scallop With Vermicelli (6pc) 烤粉丝扇贝 6个
Squid Bone Kabob 鱿鱼锁骨烤串
Fried Fish Ball Kabob 鱼豆腐
Shrimp Kabob 虾串
Octopus Ball Kabob (2pcs) 花枝丸(2)
Pacific Saury Kabob 烤秋刀鱼
Squid Head 鱿鱼须
Garlic Crayfish 蒜香小龙虾
Whole Squid 鱿鱼一整只
Happy Crawfish 小龙虾家族
Spices Crawfish 香辣小龙虾
Abalone With Vermincelli 粉丝鲍鱼
BBQ 烧烤
Bbq Chicken Bone 烤鸡架
BBQ Meat 烤肉
Chicken Tip Kabob (2pcs) 鸡尖(2)
Pig Belly With Asparagus Kabob 五花肉芦笋串
Qq Sausage Kabob QQ肠烤串
Pig Belly With Mushroon Kabob (1pcs) 五花肉金针菇(2)
Chinese Sausage 王中王
Chicken Kabob (2pcs) 鸡肉(2)
Taiwanese Hot Dog (1pc) 台湾香肠
Chicken Wings (Whole) 烤鸡全翅
Lamb Kabob (2pcs) 羊肉(2)
Rindfleisch 牛筋
Best Bbq Pork 上等五花肉烤串
Chicken Skin 烤鸡皮
Beef Kabob (2pcs) 牛肉(2)
10s Duck Intestines 鸭肠
3s Red Lane 黄喉
Chicken Feet Kabob (2pcs) 鸡爪(2)
3s Chicken Bones 骨肉相连
Chicken Heart Kabob (2pcs) 鸡心(2)
Hot Dog Kabob (2pcs) 香肠(2)
Chicken Gizzard Kabob (2pcs) 鸡胗(2)
Pig Belly With Chives 五花肉包韭菜烤串
Pig Belly With Shrimp 五花肉包虾
BBQ Vegetable 烤素菜
Garlic Kabob (2pcs) 蒜头(2)
Green Pepper Kabob (2pcs) 青椒(2)
King Trumpet Mushroom Kabob (2pcs) 王子菇(2)
String Bean Kabob (2pcs) 四季豆(2)
Chives Kabob (2pcs) 韭菜(2)
Asparagus Kabob (2pcs) 芦笋(2)
Chinese Cauliflower Kabob 中国菜花烤串
Ginkgo Kabob (2pcs) 白果(2)
Whole Eggplant 茄子(全条)
Bread Slices Kabob (2pcs) 馒头片(2)
Mushroom Kabob (2pcs) 蘑菇(2)
Corn Kabob 玉米烤串
Lotus Root Kabob (2pcs) 莲藕(2)
Gluten Kabob 面筋烤串
Potato Chirs Kabob (2pcs) 土豆片(2)
Fried Tofu Kabob (2pcs) 金砖(2)
Cucumber Kabob (2pcs) 黄瓜(2)
Grilled Stinky Tofu 烤臭豆腐
Parsley Bean Curd Roll 豆腐卷香菜
Chang Le Bread 长乐光饼
China Tufu (2pcs) 千叶豆腐(2)
Snack 小吃
Octopus Ball (6) 章鱼小丸子(6)
Fried Bread 炸馒头
Roasted Cold Noodle 烤冷面
Edamame 毛豆
Fried Dumplings (6) 饺子(6只)
Chives Sesame Bread 韭菜芝麻饼
Fried Biscuit 炸香酥饼
Bbq Potato Skin 烤苕皮
Salt & Pepper Bunnalo 椒盐龙吐鱼
Shrimp Ball 炸荔枝球
Mantis Shrimp With Spicy Salt 椒盐皮皮虾
Fo Tian Qian 佛跳墙 一宗
Chicken Feet Boneless 网红无骨凤爪
Pumpkin Cake 南瓜饼
Lotus Root Pie 莲藕夹
Fortune Peack W.shrimp 鲜虾福袋
Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐
Fried Rice 炒饭
Shrimp Fried Rice 虾炒饭
Beef Fried Rice 牛肉炒饭
Squid House Rice 章鱼饭团
Chicken Fried Rice 鸡炒饭
House Fried Rice 本楼炒饭
Egg Fried Rice 蛋炒饭
Noodles 面类
Soup Of Duck Blood & Vermicelli 南京鸭血粉汤 速食
Fried Seafood Instant Noodle 海鲜炒公仔面
Fried Seafood Udon 海鲜炒乌冬面
Hot Dogs With Fast Noodle Soup 王中王煮方便面
Snacks 网红小零食
Steamed Buns (6) 小笼包6个
Tin Foil 锡纸
Beef Miscellaneous 锡纸涮牛
Duck Blood In Tin Foil 锡纸鸭血
Cabbage In Tin Foil 锡纸白菜
Enoki Mushroom In Tin Foil 锡纸金针菇
Pig Brain In Tin Foil 锡纸猪脑
Haggis 锡纸涮羊
Spicy Frog Leg 麻辣蛙腿
Edamame In Tin Foil 锡纸毛豆
Mid-Autumn Mooncake 中秋月饼
Mei Xin Peninsula Mooncake 美心半岛月饼
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Food Pick-Up Instructions 取餐须知
Firstly,you need to come to the store with the pick up number and tell it is an order for Fantuan. Then you can check the pick up number through SMS, email and Google detail.

Not accepting orders right now. Next available time: Today, 3:00 PM

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