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Chinatown-Ten Second Noodles唐人街十秒到米线

4 (147)$$Chinese noodle restaurant

60 Beach St, Boston, MA 02111

Chinatown-Ten Second Noodles唐人街十秒到米线

60 Beach St, Boston, MA 02111

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Tomato Soup 酸甜番茄汤底
Tomato Rice Noodle 番茄米线
Tomato Pork Chop Rice Noodle 番茄大排米线
Sirloin Tomato Rice Noodle 番茄牛腩米线
Tomato Beef Rice Noodle 番茄肥牛米线
Classic Rice Noodle 经典米线
Original Rice Noodle 过桥米线
Pickled Pepper Rice Noodle 金汤米线
Pork Chop Rice Noodle 大排米线
Kimchi Beef Rice Noodle 泡菜肥牛米线
Spicy Rice Noodle 麻辣米线
Spicy Sirloin Rice Noodle 麻辣牛腩米线
Fish With Green Pepper Rice Noodle 青花椒鱼米线
Beef Tripe Hot Pot Rice Noodle 牛肚火锅米线
Pickled Fish Rice Noodle 酸菜鱼米线
Chicken Rice Noodle 鸡汤米线
Liangtang Huamao Chicken Rice Noodles 靓汤花胶鸡米线
Rice 米饭类
Chinese Sauerkraut Fish With Rice 酸菜鱼米饭
Green Pepper Fish With Rice 青花椒鱼米饭
Kimchi Beef With Rice 泡菜肥牛米饭
Tomato Beef With Rice 番茄肥牛米饭
Teriyaki Chicken Drumstick Rice 照烧鸡腿饭
Snacks 小吃
Hot Spicy Fried Chicken Mid-Wings 香辣炸鸡翅
Black Fungus With Vinegar Sauce 老醋木耳
Tako Yaki 章鱼丸子
毛豆 Edamame
Salted Cruces Chicken 盐酥鸡
Scallion Pancake 葱油饼
冰粉 Cold Jelly With Special Sugar Sauce
Fried Bon With Condensed Milk 炸馒头
Boneless Spicy Chicken 无骨香辣鸡柳
Shredded Potatoes Salad 凉拌土豆丝
Spicy Beef Tripe 夫妻肺片
Steamed Pork Dumplings 蒸猪肉饺
Steamed Chicken Dumplings 蒸鸡肉饺
Sausage With Egg Wrap 蛋包肠
Fried Pumpkin Cake 炸南瓜饼
Chinese Style Seaweed 香拌海带丝
Spicy Fried Wing 香辣鸡翅
Chicken Dumplings 鸡肉饺子
Pork Dumplings 猪肉饺子
Beverages 饮料
Coke 可乐 Coke
雪碧 Sprite
芬达 Fanta
Ginger Ale 姜味汽水
罐装豆奶 Soy Milk
Peach Milk Tea 水蜜桃奶茶
Earl Grey Milk Tea 伯爵奶茶
青柠柚子蜜 Honey Lime Tea
Sour Plum Drink 酸梅汁
Herbal Tea 王老吉
Taro Milk Tea 芋香奶茶
Thai Milk Tea 泰香奶茶
Brown Citrons Lime Tea 脏脏奶茶
Fruit & Milk Tea 果茶&奶茶
Passionfruit Fruity 百香果果茶
Peach Fruit Tea 蜜桃果茶
Fried Skewers 炸串类
Fried Black Fungus Skewers (2pcs) 炸黑木耳串(2pcs)
Fried Shanghai Green Skewers (2pcs) 炸上海青串(2pcs)
Fried Shiitake Mushroom Skewers (2pcs) 炸香菇串(2pcs)
Fried Kelp Skewers (2pcs) 炸海带结串(2pcs)
Fried Beef Enoki Mushroom Roll (2pcs) 炸肥牛金针菇卷(2pcs)
Fried Beef And Leek Roll (2pcs) 炸肥牛韭菜卷(2pcs)
Beef Skewer (2pcs) 炸牛肉串(2pcs)
Fried Beef Skewers (2pcs) 炸肥牛串(2pcs)
Fried Beef Brisket Skewers (2pcs) 炸牛腩串(2pcs)
Fried Tripe Skewers (2pcs) 炸牛肚串(2pcs)
Fried Fish Fillet Skewers (2pcs) 炸鱼片串(2pcs)
Fried Chicken Gizzard Skewers (2pcs) 炸鸡胗串(2pcs)
Fried Small Sausage Skewers (2pcs) 炸小香肠串(2pcs)
Fried Fish Tofu Skewers (2pcs) 炸鱼豆腐串(2pcs)
Fried Fish Ball Skewers (2pcs) 炸炸鱼蛋串(2pcs)
Chicken Shish (2pcs) 炸鸡肉串(2pcs)
Fried Napa (2pcs) 炸大白菜串(2pcs)
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Customer Service(After-Sale) 售后服务
If you encounter the following problems, please scan the QR code and download the APP to contact customer service online 1.I want to cancel the order. 2.When would a courier be assigned to my order? 3.Where is my courier now? 4.I would like to contact the courier. 5.The order i received missing some items. 6.The food i received is not same as i ordered. 7.I did not received the whole order. 8.I did not received refund.
Food Pick-Up Instructions 取餐须知
Firstly,you need to come to the store with the pick up number and tell it is an order for Fantuan. Then you can check the pick up number through SMS, email and Google detail.

Not accepting orders right now. Next available time: Today, 10:55 AM

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