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4.6 (98)$$Chinese restaurant

3550 Stanley Blvd #3, Pleasanton, CA 94566


3550 Stanley Blvd #3, Pleasanton, CA 94566

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$0.00 service fee
Ready in 10 min
$0.00 service fee
Fantuan Delivery
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Ready in 14 min
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Ready in 17-32 min
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Promotions 优惠细则
Everything 15% OFF 全场八五折
Order on Fantuan Delivery,get total 15% OFF, up To $100,the discount applies automatically after checking out 通过饭团外卖下单,享八五折优惠,最高减 $100,该优惠下单时为您自动使用
Everything 35% OFF 全场六五折
Order on Fantuan Delivery,get total 35% OFF, up To $5,the discount applies automatically after checking out 通过饭团外卖下单,享六五折优惠,最高减 $5,该优惠下单时为您自动使用
Special Offer (The discount applies automatically after checking out)
Chili Oil Noodle With Pork (Spicy) 油泼面(猪肉)(辣)
Minimum order $12 get 40% OFF,limit 1 per order,the discount applies automatically after checking out 消费满$12享受六折优惠,限购1份,该优惠下单时为您自动使用
Potato Salad 凉拌土豆丝
Minimum order $12 get 40% OFF,limit 1 per order,the discount applies automatically after checking out 消费满$12享受六折优惠,限购1份,该优惠下单时为您自动使用
🍲Noodle Soup 🍲汤面
Braised Beef Noodle Soup 红烧牛肉面
Hot And Spicy Beef Noodle Soup (Spicy) 香辣牛肉面(辣)
Sour Spicy Pork Noodle Soup (Spicy) 臊子汤面(辣)
Hot And Spicy Sour Mustard Beef Noodle Soup (Spicy) 香辣酸菜牛肉面(辣)
Lamb Noodle Soup 羊肉汤面
Tomato Beef Stew Noodle Soup 番茄牛腩汤面
Braised Spareribs Noodle Soup 红烧排骨面
Mixed Mushrooms Spareribs Noodle Soup 杂菌排骨汤面
Mushrooms And Chicken Noodle Soup 杂菌鸡汤面
Sour Mustard Hot And Spicy Spareribs Noodle Soup (Spicy) 香辣酸菜排骨面(辣)
Sour Mustard Chicken Noodle Soup 酸菜鸡汤面
Sour Mustard Fish And Lamb Noodle Soup 酸菜鱼羊汤面
Spicy Fish Noodle Soup 辣味鱼汤面
🍜Dry Noodle 🍜拌面
Qianmai Big Plate Lamb 大盘羊面(辣)
Qianmai Big Plate Chicken 大盘鸡面(辣)
House Special Cold Noodle 特色凉皮(辣)
House Special Pork Burger 千麦肉夹馍(猪肉)
Tomato Egg Dry Noodle 番茄蛋拌面
Beef Chow Mein 牛肉炒面
Chicken Chow Mein 鸡肉炒面
Soybean Paste (Pork) Sauce Noodle 炸酱面
Dry Beef Noodle 牛肉拌面
Chong Qing Beef Noodle Dry Or Soup 千麦重庆牛肉小面(干面或汤面)(辣)
Dan Dan Dry Noodle 千麦担担面(辣)
Tomato Beef Stew Noodle 番茄牛腩拌面
Dry Lamb Noodle 羊肉拌面
Vegetables Chow Mein 素炒面
Big Plate Beef With Noodle 大盘牛面(辣)
Fried Noodle In Pork Tomato Sauce (Ding Ding Chow Mein) 千麦丁丁炒面
Lamb Chow Mein 羊肉炒面
House Special Lamb Burger 千麦肉夹馍(羊肉)
Dry Chicken Noodle 鸡肉拌面
Sour Spicy Pork Dry Noodle (Spicy) 臊子干面(猪肉)(辣)
Egg Chow Mein 蛋炒面
Qianmai Big Plate Pork Ribs 大盘排骨面(辣)
Chong Qing Noodle Dry Or Soup 千麦重庆素小面(干面或汤面)(辣)
Pork Chow Mein 肉丝炒面
🥗Appetizer 🥗凉菜
Spicy Sauce Beef & Beef Tendon (Spicy) 麻辣牛肉牛筋(辣)
Oiled Pork With Garlic Sauce 蒜泥白肉
Garlic Sauce Beef 五香牛肉
Sweet & Sour Cucumber 凉拌黄瓜
Garlic Sauce Shredded Salad 蒜泥海带丝
Beef Tripe With Garlic Sauce 蒜泥牛百叶
🥩Raw Meat for Hot Pot 🥩火锅生肉
Raw Lamb Slice For 1 Lb 生羊肉片 1 磅
Raw Beef Slice For 1 Lb 生牛肉片 1 磅
Help Center
Customer Service(After-Sale) 售后服务
If you encounter the following problems, please scan the QR code and download the APP to contact customer service online 1.I want to cancel the order. 2.When would a courier be assigned to my order? 3.Where is my courier now? 4.I would like to contact the courier. 5.The order i received missing some items. 6.The food i received is not same as i ordered. 7.I did not received the whole order. 8.I did not received refund.
Food Pick-Up Instructions 取餐须知
Firstly,you need to come to the store with the pick up number and tell it is an order for Fantuan. Then you can check the pick up number through SMS, email and Google detail.

Not accepting orders right now. Next available time: Today, 10:55 AM

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