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JB King

5 (9)$Chinese restaurant

Food Court, 2705 Stoneridge Dr Suite G, Pleasanton, CA 94588

JB King

Food Court, 2705 Stoneridge Dr Suite G, Pleasanton, CA 94588

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Food Menu 菜单
Main Dishes 主食
Pan Fried Pork Bun 生煎包 (4)
Our signature dish, tasty pork wrapped in half soft, half crispy dough
Pork Potsticker 猪肉锅钻 (4)
Savory pork & crunchy cabbage wrapped in crispy dough
Beef Roll 牛肉卷
Chinese donut, filled in savory beef
Shrimp Egg And Chinese Chives Pocket 韭菜盒子
Shrimp, fluffy egg, Chinese chives wrapped in crispy dough
Green Onion Pancake 葱油饼
Spring Roll 素炸春卷 (3)
Juicy pork & vegetable wrapped in crispy dough
Steamed Dumpling 蒸饺 (6)
Smooth & tender dumpling with choice of vegetable, pork & vegetable, Beef & vegetable, and shrimp & onion.
Steamed Bun 蒸包 (2)
Pillowy soft steamed bun filled in with choice of vegetable, pork & vegetable, and beef & vegetable.
Congee W. Century Egg & Pork 皮蛋瘦肉粥
Porridge 白粥
Scallion Rolls 葱油花卷 (2)
Spicy Beef Bun 麻辣牛肉荷叶包 (2)
Salt Pork W/ Bean Sprout Bun 咸肉芽菜荷叶包 (2)
Red Bean Bun 豆沙包 (3)
Soup Dumplings 小笼汤包 (8)
Century Egg W/ Tofu 皮蛋豆腐
Spicy Beef 麻辣牛肉
Salt Pork W/ Bean Sprouts 碎米芽菜蒸咸肉
Combo Plate 套餐
COMBO套餐 #1: Pan Fried Pork Bun生煎包 (3) Steamed Dumpling蒸饺 (4) And Choice Of Side Options 和选项
COMBO套餐 #2: Beef Roll牛肉卷 (1), Steamed Dumpling蒸饺 (4) And Choice Of Side Options 和选项
COMBO套餐 #3: Pan Fried Pork Bun生煎包 (3)/Beef Roll牛肉卷 (1), Congee皮蛋瘦肉粥 And Choice Of Side Options 和选项
Choice of Pan Fried Pork Bun and Beef Roll, Congee and choice of side options.
COMBO套餐#4: Scallion Rolls 葱油花卷 (2) Porridge 白粥 And Meat Option 肉类
Noodle Menu 面食
Zha Jiang Noodle 炸酱面
Beef Noodle 牛肉汤面
Salt Pork Noodle 鲜香咸肉汤面
Bean Sprout Pork Noodle 芽菜肉末臊子面
Beef Udon 牛肉乌冬面
Chicken Udon鸡肉乌冬面
Veggie Udon 素乌冬面
Hot And Sour Noodle 酸辣粉
Spicy Wonton In Chili Oil 红油抄手 (8)
Wonton Soup 云吞汤
Appetizer 开胃菜
Fresh Cucumber Salad 凉拌黄瓜
Slice Potato Salad 凉拌土豆丝
Green Bean W. Garlic Sauce 凉拌四季豆
locally sourced, cooked in wok with garlic and ginger
Edamame 毛豆
Drink 饮料
Classic Soy Milk 原味豆浆
Soy Milk W/ Walnut, Goji And Red Dates 养生豆浆
Coke 可乐
Diet Coke健怡可乐
Sprite 雪碧
Orange Juice 橙汁
Hot Tea 热茶
Bottle Water 瓶装水
Raw Frozen products 冰冻食品
Raw Frozen Dumplings 冰冻饺子
Shrimp Dumplings 三鲜水饺 (50)
Veggie Dumplings 素水饺 (50)
Pork Dumplings 白菜猪肉饺 (50)
Beef Dumplings 牛肉水饺 50
Raw Frozen Buns 冰冻大包
Pork Bun 鲜肉大包 (4)
Beef Bun 牛肉大包 (4)
Veggie Bun 素菜大包 (4)
Xiao Long Bao 小笼包 (30)
Red Bean Bun 豆沙包 (4)
Other Raw Products 其他冰冻食品
Pork Potsticker 猪肉锅贴 (30)
Shrimp Egg Leek Pocket 韭菜盒子 (2)
Scallion Roll 葱油花卷 (4 )
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