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Barcote Ethiopian Restaurant

4.5 (448)$$Ethiopian restaurant

6430 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609

Barcote Ethiopian Restaurant

6430 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609

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Vegetarian Samosa
A blend of whole lentils, garlic jalapeño and onion filled in phyllo-dough. (4 pieces)
Meat Samosa
Phyllo-dough filled with sautéed beef, garlic, jalapeño and onion. (4 piece)
Seafood Entree
Barcote's Fish Goulash
Cubes of tilapia sautéed with onion, garlic, jalapeño, awaze, tomato and Barcote's spices. Served with injera and house salad.
Shrimp Tibs
Shrimp sautéed with onions, awaze, fresh garlic, and tomatoes. Served with injera and house salad.
Salmon Dulet
Fresh salmon cooked raw with onions, garlic, sliced jalapeno, cardamom and mitmita. Served with injera and house salad.
House Specialties
Meat & Veggie Ultimate Combo
Misir wot, ater kik ajicha, gomen, atakilt, azifa, buticha, doro wot, siga alicha, gomen be siga and beg wot. Served with injera and house salad.
Shiro Combo
Ground chickpeas simmered with fresh garlic & oil. Served with Gomen, Buticha & Azifa
Vegetarian Combo
Misir wot, ater kik alicha, gomen, atakilt, azifa and buticha. Served with injera and house salad.
Meat Combo
Doro wot, beg wot, siga alicha and gomen be siga. Served with injera.
Chicken Entree
Doro Wot
Spicy chicken cooked delicately, with spiced berbere sauce to create Ethiopian's favorite dish. Served with a hard-boiled egg. Served with injera and house salad.
Doro Wot Alicha
Tender chicken simmered in turmeric sauce. Served with hard boiled egg. Served with injera and house salad.
Barcote's Doro Tibs
Boneless marinated chicken sautéed with onions, garlic, jalapeño, spinach, herbs and spices. Served with injera and house salad.
Beef Entree
Siga Tibs
Lean cubes of beef cooked in awaze sauce with assorted spices and butter. Served with injera and house salad.
Siga Alicha
Beef cooked in mild sauce of onions, garlic, ginger root and turmeric sauce. Served with injera and house salad.
Barcote's Kitfo
Finely chopped beef blended with butter and Ethiopian spices. Served with gomen and Aylb (freshly made cottage cheese) and injera.
Siga Wot
Lean cubed beef simmered in blend of berbere and herbed butter. Served with injera and house salad.
Kitfo Special
Finely chopped prime and lean beef with onions and jalapenos seasoned with purified butter, mitmita, and cardamom. Served with injera and house salad.
Gomen Be Siga
Beef cooked with collar greens, seasoned butter, onions and jalapenos. Served with injera and house salad.
Meat Firfir
Sliced prime tender beef with a touch of garlic, onion, and fresh tomato. Served with injera and house salad.
Quanta Firfir
Lamb Entree
Beg Wot
Tender pieces of lamb simmered with spiced berbere sauce. Served with injera and house salad.
Beg Alicha
Tender pieces of lamb simmered with turmeric sauce. Served with injera and house salad.
Beg Tibs
Tender cubed lamb sauteed in a special blend of house spices, onions, garlic, and spiced butter. Served with injera and house salad.
Vegetarian Entree
Misir Wot
Split lentils simmered in berbere sauce. Served with injera and house salad.
Ater Kik Alicha
Organic split pea in a mild turmeric sauce cooked with onions and oil. Served with injera and house salad.
Fresh collard greens cooked in oil with onion, and garlic. Served with injera and house salad.
Fresh cabbage, potatoes and carrots sauteed with garlic, turmeric, and onion. Served with injera and house salad.
Ground chickpeas simmered with fresh garlic and oil. Served with injera and collard greens..
Mushroom Tibs
Sauteed mushroom with onion sauteed in spices, garlic, spinach and herb oil. Served with injera and house salad.
Angle hair pasta with your choice of vegetarian tomato sauce or meat sauce. Served with injera and house salad.
Tofu Dulet
Tofu sauteed in a special blend of house spices, onions, jalapeño, and garlic. Served with injera and house salad.
Fresh tomatoes cooked in onion, berbere sauce and spices mixed with chopped injera. Served with injera and house salad.
Mushroom Dulet
Mushrooms sauteed in a special blend of house spices, onions, jalapeno and garlic. Served with injera and house salad.
Ater Kik Alicia
Organic split pea in a mild turmeric sauce cooked with onions and oil. Served with injera and house salad.
Fresh cabbage, potatoes and carrots sauteed with garlic, turmeric, and onion. Served with injera and house salad.
Fresh collard greens cooked in oil with onion, and garlic. Served with injera and house salad.
Extra Injera
Regular Enjera
Gluten Free Injera
100% Teff Enjera
Whole organic lentils, garlic, onions, jalapeño, oil and lemon juice.
Barcote Salad
Lettuce, tomato, onion, garlic, and jalapeño tossed with Barcote's dressing.
Pureed chickpeas seasoned with onions, garlic, oil and jalapenos.
Golden brown fillo dough, with a thick middle layer of mixed nuts topped with honey.

Not accepting orders right now. Next available time: Today, 11:00 AM

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