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Boba Tea & Snow Ice House

4.5 (32)$Bubble tea store

171 Amory St, Brookline, MA 02446

Boba Tea & Snow Ice House

171 Amory St, Brookline, MA 02446

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Order on Fantuan Delivery,get total 5% OFF, the discount applies automatically after checking out 通过饭团外卖下单,享九五折优惠,该优惠下单时为您自动使用
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🍵Classic 🍵经典
Black Tea 红茶
Green Tea 绿茶
Oolong Tea 乌龙茶
Jasmine Green Tea 茉莉绿茶
Honey Oolong Tea 蜂蜜乌龙茶
Honey Black/ Green Tea 蜂蜜红茶/绿茶
Lemon Black/ Green Tea 柠檬红茶/绿茶
Winter Melon Black/ Green Tea 冬瓜红茶/绿茶
🧋Milk Tea 🧋奶茶
Milk Tea 奶茶
Milk Green Tea 奶绿
Jasmine Milk Tea 茉莉绿茶
Oolong Milk Tea 乌龙奶茶
Chocolate Milk Tea 巧克力奶茶
Honeydew Milk Tea 蜜瓜奶茶
Peach Milk Tea 桃子奶茶
Coconut Milk Tea 椰子奶茶
Thai Milk Tea 泰式奶茶
Oreo Milk Tea 奥利奥奶茶
Mango Milk Tea 芒果奶茶
Taro Milk Tea 芋头奶茶
Strawberry Milk Tea 草莓奶茶
Matcha Milk Tea 抹茶奶茶
Vanilla Milk Tea 香草奶茶
Banana Milk Tea 香蕉奶茶
Coffee Milk Tea 咖啡奶茶
Dragonfruit Milk Tea 火龙果奶茶
Winter Melon Milk Tea 冬瓜奶茶
Honey Milk Tea 蜂蜜奶茶
🎉Special Milk Tea 🎉特色奶茶
Brown Sugar Milk Tea 黑糖奶茶
Caramel Milk Tea 焦糖奶茶
Chocolate Caramel Milk Tea 巧克力焦糖奶茶
Matcha Latte Milk Foam 抹茶拿铁奶盖
Coffee Latte Milk Foam 咖啡拿铁奶盖
Taro Latte Milk Foam 芋头拿铁奶盖
🥛Yogurt 🥛酸奶
Mango Yogurt 芒果酸奶
Strawberry Yogurt 草莓酸奶
Lychee Yogurt 荔枝酸奶
Banana Yogurt 香蕉酸奶
Blueberry Yogurt 蓝莓酸奶
Watermelon Yogurt 西瓜酸奶
Passionfruit Yogurt 百香果酸奶
Pineapple Yogurt 菠萝酸奶
🍹Fruit Tea 🍹水果茶
Blueberry Green Tea 蓝莓绿茶
Green Apple Green Tea 青苹果绿茶
Honey Lemon Green Tea 蜂蜜柠檬绿茶
Strawberry Green Tea 草莓绿茶
Strawberry Lemon Tea 草莓柠檬茶
Peach Green Tea 桃子绿茶
Lemon Thai Tea 柠檬泰茶
Lychee Green Tea 荔枝绿茶
Mango Green Tea 芒果绿茶
Passionfruit Green Tea 百香果绿茶
Pineapple Green Tea 菠萝绿茶
Watermelon Green Tea 西瓜绿茶
Dragonfruit Green Tea 火龙果绿茶
🍨Smoothie 🍨冰沙
Peach Smoothie 桃子冰沙
Oreo Smoothie 奥利奥冰沙
Thai Tea Smoothie 泰茶冰沙
Lemon Smoothie 柠檬冰沙
Lychee Smoothie 荔枝冰沙
Chocolate Smoothie 巧克力冰沙
Vanilla Smoothie 香草冰沙
Banana Smoothie 香蕉冰沙
Coconut Smoothie 椰子冰沙
Green Apple Smoothie 青苹果冰沙
Matcha Smoothie 抹茶冰沙
Dragon Fruit Smoothie 火龙果冰沙
Watermelon Smoothie 西瓜冰沙
Winter Melon Smoothie 冬瓜冰沙
Taro Smoothie 芋头冰沙
Mango Smoothie 芒果冰沙
Pineapple Smoothie 菠萝冰沙
Passion Fruit Smoothie 百香果冰沙
Strawberry Smoothie 草莓冰沙
Honeydew Smoothie 蜜瓜冰沙
Blueberry Smoothie 蓝莓冰沙
Coffee Smoothie 咖啡冰沙
⚡Special Smoothie ⚡特色冰沙
Fresh Avocado Smoothie 鲜牛油果冰沙
Fresh Durian Smoothie 鲜榴莲冰沙
Banana & Strawberry Smoothie 香蕉&草莓冰沙
Mango & Passionfruit Smoothie 芒果&百香果冰沙
Coconut & Pineapple Smoothie 椰子&菠萝冰沙
Mango Strawberry Smoothie 芒果草莓冰沙
Mango Pineapple Smoothie 芒果菠萝冰沙
Blueberry Strawberry Smoothie 蓝莓草莓冰沙
🎨Macaron 🎨马卡龙
Pistachio Macaron 开心果马卡龙
Raspberry Macaron 覆盆子马卡龙
Dark Chocolate Macaron 黑巧克力马卡龙
Vanilla Macaron 香草马卡龙
Rose Lychee Macaron 玫瑰荔枝马卡龙
Creme Brulee Macaron 焦糖布蕾马卡龙
Caramel Fleur De Sel Macaron 焦糖盐之花马卡龙
Matcha Tea Macaron 抹茶马卡龙
Choco - Hazelnut Macaron 巧克力榛果马卡龙
White Chocolate Macaron 白巧克力马卡龙
Wedding Almond Macaron 婚礼杏仁马卡龙
Passion Fruit Macaron 百香果马卡龙
Espresso Macaron 咖啡马卡龙
Honey Lavender Macaron 蜂蜜薰衣草马卡龙
Coconut Macaron 椰子马卡龙
Earl Grey Macaron 伯爵马卡龙
6 Macarons 马卡龙6个装
12 Macarons 马卡龙12个装
🎃Seasonal Macaron 🎃限定马卡龙
Birthday Cake (Also In Pink) Macaron 生日蛋糕马卡龙
Mixed Berry Violette Macaron 紫罗兰杂莓马卡龙
Strawberry Smoothie Macaron 草莓冰沙马卡龙
Help Center
Customer Service(After-Sale) 售后服务
If you encounter the following problems, please scan the QR code and download the APP to contact customer service online 1.I want to cancel the order. 2.When would a courier be assigned to my order? 3.Where is my courier now? 4.I would like to contact the courier. 5.The order i received missing some items. 6.The food i received is not same as i ordered. 7.I did not received the whole order. 8.I did not received refund.
Food Pick-Up Instructions 取餐须知
Firstly,you need to come to the store with the pick up number and tell it is an order for Fantuan. Then you can check the pick up number through SMS, email and Google detail.

Not accepting orders right now. Next available time: Today, 11:55 AM

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